Who conducts Surveillance?

A photographer taking a photo of a couple

Welcome back to part three of my series on Surveillance. In this section, I will be concentrating on the individuals who conduct surveillance in national security investigations. Now if you came here looking for names, contact information, and descriptions, well you’re going to be disappointed. This section will deal with who is a surveillant in…

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How is Surveillance Conducted?

A camera in dried stalks and stems

Welcome to part two of my series on surveillance.  As I mentioned in my previous article, surveillance is an effective way to identify information in national security investigations. It can be the difference between identifying a real threat, and stopping a terrorist act from occurring, to establishing that previous concerns are unfounded.  Surveillance from an intelligence…

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What is Surveillance?

A person monitoring surveillance cameras

Welcome to the first part of a 5-part series on Surveillance. Today I will be discussing a well-known, but misunderstood concept and tactic in the Intelligence world, surveillance. During my career as an intelligence officer, I had the opportunity to conduct surveillance against targets of national security and was the target of surveillance by foreign…

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